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Friends of Milwaukee Flower Co: Ashley Kuehnel from Midwestern Bride

Meet our friend Ashley Kuehnel, Owner of Midwestern Bride, an extraordinary team of Wedding Planners. We first had the opportunity to work together in 2013 for Eva + Justin's wedding at Turner Hall Ballroom. I've always loved her aesthetic and her attention to detail. See her responses to our ten silly questions below! 

Photo Credit: Ren Davis, Studio 29 Photography

1. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? After the grunts and groans, because I usually wake to the sound of a talking toddler, I pick up my son Emerson and bring him downstairs to give our dog Nugget morning kisses. 

2. What are you listening to these days? Long drives are reserved for podcasts and my loud sing alongs are often times to Grace Potter and the Nocturnals. Truth be told there isn't much I won't listen to though.

3. What color are your socks? I am barefoot as much as humanly possible.

4. What was the last thing you ate? Just left a meeting with a client at Le Reve so I had some rose bubbles along with a charcuterie plate. Upon arriving home my toddler shoved a soggy cheeto in my mouth.

5. What is your favorite season? Fall. 

6. What is on the floor of your closet? Boots upon boots upon boots.  

7. Cats or Dogs? (please elaborate) Dogs all day long. I only had one cat in my life and her name was Hoochie. I need a pet that will run when I do, that will veg when I am exhausted, and that will think that everyday that I come back home is the best day ever. My dog Nugget was my rock when my husband was in med school and she is pretty much the best. 

8. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a food critic. I still think that would be a solid career.

9. Where is your favorite place to visit? Anywhere new. I don't like to return to the same place twice for vacation purposes but if I have a day off to just relax I like to go wherever I can find silence and sunlight. The lake, a cafe, or my in laws home up north. 

10. Peony or Succulent? Brutal but I will say succulent for my home and peony for weddings. Is that cheating?


Here's a little peak into Ashley's life, written by her (what a cutie!) 

When I am not planning weddings I am chasing my son through mud puddles, eating endless amounts of baked goods, or punching the heavy bag at the gym. Though I am working in the most romantic girly industry you might be shocked that I don't quite fit that mold. Last year I had a bridal party appropriately rename me "The Little General"; I am the no nonsense-get stuff done-type planner. You won't see a ton of photos of me or ever catch me with a selfie stick at a clients wedding but I assure you that the flash in the background of a curly haired squirrelly girl dancing along to Salt-N-Pepa at the end of the night is the truest representation of me you're going to get.

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