Flower Types: Dahlias
Hooray! It's finally Dahlia season, so we thought we would share a little bit about one of our favorite and most popular flowers. In Milwaukee Flower Company's cutting garden we have 70 Dahlia plants. Check our Instagram during growing season for updated photos.
Dahlias bloom from the middle of summer to the first frost, which is a rarity as many other plants are already past their best. There is a wide range of dahlias, from "dinnerplate" blooms (10-inches) to lollipop-style pompoms (2-inches). Most dahlias grow to be 4 to 5 feet tall. Dahlias are not a fan of the hot and humid climates, but will add a bright sunny pop of color to any garden. This beautiful flower thrives in cool, moist climates all along the Pacific Coast, growing an inch bigger and deeper.
Interesting fact: Dahlias have a growing season 120 days long. (www.almanac.com)
Photo Credit: SolAh Do